Partner school Tanzania

Class 4B made initial contact and sent the children there pictures they had painted themselves.

Children from 4b with their pictures for the partner school

Children from 4b with their pictures for the partner school

A banner was also created showing the partnership between the Viktoria School and the school in Kisaki.

Janine Hundt, a German emigrant who now lives in this village with her husband and daughter, is our contact person for this project.

Janine Hundt with her husband and daughter in front of the school banner

The pupils, teachers and also Janine and her family are happy about the first contact in the form of videos, photos, pictures and a banner.

Janine Hundt and children from the partner school in Tanzania in front of the school banner

In the future, we would also like to support the school in the form of financial and material donations.

We will keep you informed about further actions.

We look forward to many more great projects.