
The "Musical" music project has been running at the Viktoriaschule since the second half of the 2008/2009 school year.

In this project, the children write a musical together, which they perform at the end of the school year. Under guidance, they work on the creation of the musical in an initial phase. This involves finding and defining a theme, collecting ideas and finally turning all of this into song lyrics, stories and spoken texts.
Choreographies are created at the same time. The children slip into roles that they choose and are allowed to play themselves. In this context, a sense of rhythm, agility and close cooperation are encouraged and strengthened.
Each child is given their own area of responsibility and learns to take on a little responsibility.
The focus of the project is on creating songs and poems and translating them into dance, music and drama.
(Source: Kulturundschule)

Preparations are already underway for the new musical, which will be performed next summer.