Class council & student parliament

The election of class representatives has been an integral part of the Viktoria School for many years.
Since the 2011/2012 school year, the class council has been held once a week in each class. The pupil parliament also takes place once a week.

  1. The class council

Brief description:

The class council originates from the Freinet pedagogy and takes place as a regular discussion round at class level. The class group deliberates, discusses and decides together on self-chosen content, rules, measures, etc.

- Election of class representatives and representatives for the student parliament

Duration: 1 hour / week (firmly anchored in the timetable)

2. the student parliament:

Brief description:

The pupil parliament is made up of the class representative and the representative of the individual classes. Each class may submit topics (which were determined in the class council in the individual classes) in advance, which are discussed and debated in the student parliament. These topics include, for example, the design of the school playground, games during breaks, rules of coexistence, the cleanliness of the toilets, etc.

The aim of the pupil parliament is to discuss important issues relating to school life and find solutions together. The children should also learn that they can make a difference together and that their opinion is important to the school.

Duration: 1 hour / week (firmly anchored in the timetable)

Justification for the establishment of the class council and the student parliament at the Viktoria School:

"In terms of educational teaching, the work at school aims to support the children in exploring the world increasingly independently, gaining sustainable values in the sense of the basic democratic order and thus developing the ability to judge and act."

(Ministry for Schools and Further Education, Science and Research of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia: Guidelines and curricula for elementary school in North Rhine-Westphalia. Ritterbach, Düsseldorf 2008, p. 14)

One aim of educational work is to educate children to become democratic, independent human beings.