The Viktoria School is 125 years old

Birthdays are always celebrated at Viktoriaschule. This year there is a very special birthday child - our school is 125 years old!

To mark the occasion, there was a cheerful celebration in the school playground on Friday, 25.4.2024 from 10 am to 1 pm. Even the weather was kind and it was dry right on time for the start of the party.

First, the JeKiTS children from our school had their musical performance on stage. Violins, recorders and guitars resounded in front of the numerous guests. The school orchestra concluded the musical JeKiTS journey.

Afterwards, our principal Ms. Albers welcomed the guests, among them the former principals Mr. Kunze and Ms. Heuer as well as former teachers. Ms. Albers thanked all the school staff. Some students were allowed to take the stage and talk about what they liked so much about the school.

Then the music continued: rapper Dennis Buss had composed and written the new Viktoria school song in advance and recorded it with selected pupils in the recording studio. He gladly accepted the invitation to our celebration and performed on stage together with 5 kids. The entire student body supported him loudly!

The musical interludes were rounded off by our school's musical group, who sang a short excerpt from the new play. This will be performed on June 16 in the auditorium of the Werner-von-Siemens-Gymnasium.

Last but not least, Ms. Albers welcomed the mayor Rainer Doetkotte to the stage. After a short speech, he was able to officially inaugurate the climbing frame as the godfather of the new Dino.

That was the end of the official part and all the guests had a lot of fun on the two bouncy castles, at the dodgeball tournament in the gym and looking at old photos from past years of the Viktoriaschule. Delicious delicacies from the cake buffet and drinks provided for the physical well-being.

During the celebration, three cakes were auctioned off for a good cause. Mrs. Nohles, Mrs. Albers and Mrs. Eveld were the lucky winners in the end.

Ms. Knaus and Mr. Wevers from the Förderverein were also happy to answer questions from those present at an extra stand.

As a souvenir of this special day, key rings with the logo of our school and a photo of the 125 children were available for purchase.

Many thanks to all the sponsors, cake donors and numerous helpers who made this day unforgettable.